Nico’s After School Program

Nico's Before and After School Program (4-9 years)
Many children come home every day to an empty house after school because their parents are working. According to the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, the peak time for juvenile crimes and risky behavior like alcohol and drug use, falls during the hours following school, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Even young children can also become victims of violence during these hours.
Research has shown that enrolling your child in great preschool after school programs can help to improve academic achievement, relieve stress for the entire family, help children gain confidence, decrease behavioral problems, help children become better problem solvers and keep children safe and out of trouble.
The type of environment at Smart Start Academy can make a difference in a child’s life and help them thrive. At Smart Start Academy, our after school program is so much more than a babysitting service or a cool place to hang out. We offer school-aged children a safe, secure and fun learning environment. As a school, we aim to foster a learning environment that stimulates the minds and curiosities of everyone who enters through our door.
Our Smart Start Academy teachers offer tutoring and homework assistance, which is especially beneficial for parents who don’t have time to help their child with their homework or have a hard time understanding the assignments. In our year-round program we put an emphasis on allowing for child-initiated activities and through encouraging children to develop lifelong friendships. Parents can rest easier, knowing that their child is in a safe and nurturing environment until they can come home.

Our After School Programs in Jersey City, NJ & Hoboken
We pride ourselves on offering a well-rounded selection of activities to help encourage children to try new activities, improve their understanding of school subjects, and form new friendships with their peers. Our summer program is especially helpful with keeping children engaged in the learning process to keep information from being forgotten during the summer break.
At Smart Start Academy, our after school daycare program is so much more than a babysitting service or a cool place to hang out and stay out of trouble. We offer school-aged children a safe, secure and fun learning environment. As a school, we aim to foster a learning environment that stimulates the minds and curiosities of everyone who enters through our door.
Below are activity groups available to our school-aged students:
- Homework Assistance
- Free Choice Activities –games and group activities
- Creative Arts – cooking, crafts, and hobbies
- Media Club – computers, games, and books
- Summer Camp
Please note: our after-school program is available in certain Smart Start Academy locations. Please call to ensure this program is being offered at your location of choice.
If you would like to learn more or want to come and see what we offer, please do not hesitate to call us. We are here to answer questions, give you a tour, and provide more information to help you make sure that the Smart Start Academy after school daycare program is the right fit for your child.