Toddler Program
Toddler Preschool Program
(18 months–24 months)
At Smart Start Academy, we encourage a toddler’s natural curiosity. Teachers bring a well-rounded approach to the curriculum so that students can receive an education that helps them develop their minds. There are a lot of different approaches to a child’s education, but our theory is that we are here to help each toddler learn in their most natural environment. This means that we incorporate the learning into fun, engaging ways that often look and feel like play.
Monthly Themes
Every month, our toddler school focuses on a theme. Each one is picked to help focus on a different need of children in this age range-enhancing self-expression, peer interaction, or sensory awareness. These themes help children learn about themselves and the world around them.
One of the most difficult frustrations for toddlers, and often the root cause for tantrums, is that they have a hard time figuring out what they are feeling, what they need, and how to express all of it. Many toddlers don’t even have the language skills required to express their feelings. Our monthly themes work to teach these to our students by incorporating them into lessons and play for the entire month. This way, there is ample time to teach the students each aspect.
Monthly themes are very important to our toddler curriculum. Focusing on these different areas helps to lower frustration levels for the child, increase independence, and make communication between parents and their child a better experience. It can also help increase the level of understanding for the student in other areas of learning by meeting their base needs.
Our Curriculum
Toddlers learn best through discovery and experiencing things themselves. Most toddlers have a hard time sitting still for long amounts of time or paying attention in large groups. They like to play and learn in ways that are different from any other age. The material is very basic and often involves learning about the world around them.
Teachers design their lesson plans to meet these requirements.
Students of all ages are more likely to remember and process information when they are meaningful to them on an individual level. For this reason, our teachers work to ensure that each child is engaged in the learning process when they are best ready for it. This is done through child-initiated and teacher-directed lessons. This way, the student is actually involved and in charge of their own learning experience, making it meaningful to them.