Preschool is more than just an enhanced daycare for your young child. Parents are just as involved in the education of their children here as they are when they start into grade school. If you wonder how the best curriculums incorporate parents, or if you are just looking for a chance to get more involved, here are some of the best ways to get you started.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Most parents who are going to pay the bill for tuition want to know what is happening in the school. Regular parent-teacher meetings are ideal to discuss any concerns or problems that are happening either at home or school. Parents and teachers working together is the best situation to help children feel successful in their education.
Make a Blueprint
There are more than just academic learning opportunities that go on in the classroom. Teachers notice a lot of the different areas of development that can let you know where your child may need more time and attention. Whether it is social skills, the ability to hold their attention on a task, or a specific subject, building a blueprint on how to best help your child to be successful.
Volunteering Opportunities
Parents have the opportunity to share their own time and talents in a way that benefits their own students as well as the others in the school. If you are volunteering in the school, it also gives you the opportunity to see your child behave and how they react to other adults. While it is also important to step back and let them learn how to behave in a classroom setting, you can see things that are amiss in their actions.
The better teachers know their student’s parents, the more likely they are to continue to involve them in the education. Parents are all different in their varying degrees of involvement, and teachers feel more comfortable welcoming in parents who they are familiar with. Teachers often appreciate the help that parents can give and do a better job when they feel appreciated.
Starting Off Right
A family research project conducted by Harvard found that parents who involve themselves in their child’s education early on are much more likely to stay involved through the following years of schooling. Parents build relationships with those who work in the schools and other parents who have children attending the same institution which helps them to make better educational decisions for their children.
There are a lot of different reasons for getting involved in your child’s education, even at the preschool level. No matter why you do it, the benefits are very great for you, your child, and the school.
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